Cleanup of the beach Anavros in Volos with the 24th Elementary school and members of the All For Blue team.
As part of the project “Act – Recycle – Reuse: because the time on Earth must not end…!”, implemented by the school, the students of the first and the fourth grade of the 24th Elementary school of Volos chose All For Blue to put into practice everything they learned during the school year, conducting a cleanup at their city’s beach.
Students and teachers gathered at Anavros beach and collected a total of 11kg of marine litter. Located very close to the city of Volos, Anavros beach receives significant amounts of single-use plastics. The students collected plastic bottles, disposable cups, pieces of fishing gear, plastic bags and lids. But again, cigarette butts outnumbered all other items collected.
The students were taught how to separate the waste into recyclable and non-recyclable by the All For Blue volunteers and discussed about All For Blue’s actions, showing a special interest in the underwater cleanups and the strange items found on the seabed.
We would like to thank the teachers of the 24th Primary School of Volos for the invitation and their participation in the action, the students for their enthusiasm, the Municipality of Volos and last but not least our volunteers who once again showed up to support our project.