“Green Beauty” Masoutis and Garnier support the mission of All For Blue

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Shortly before this Christmas, through our valuable cooperation with the Masouti supermarket chain and Garnier beauty and care products, we are raising awareness among consumers about the protection and care of our oceans.

The two companies work closely together and actively support the work and activities of All for Blue, setting a good example of responsibility towards the environment and the marine ecosystem, which also has multiple benefits for our health and our daily lives.  Together, we build respect for our oceans and cultivate ecological awareness within the younger generations.

Specifically, from 18/11/2020 to 7/12/2020, the customers of Masoutis participate in the All For Blue effort By purchasing specific Garnier products and “Green Beauty”. At the same time, they benefit from great offers of up to -50% discount, with an incentive to contribute towards the cleaning of shores and seabeds from plastics that not only pollute our seas but, also trap and kill fish and marine animals.

In addition, in mid-December, All for Blue will train students of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, on different ways to protect the marine ecosystem. All For Blue will organize an online seminar, where through photos and videos from research projects and actions, younger generations will be informed about what is really happening to our oceans, what are the dangers of marine pollution and how simple it is to protect our oceans by adopting simple daily habits.

All For Blue, Masoutis and Garnier join forces to inform, raise awareness and hand in hand, save our seas which are also “our home”.

You can find out more  about which Granier products contribute towards this action in the Masoutis brochure.

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