Kos – Keep Aegean Blue

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#KeepAegeanBlue in progress, today Thursday in Kos island, after the seminar about Ocean Conservation and Shark Awareness at the 2nd High School, students took part in the beach and underwater clean up and they were very active. The result was more than 300 kgs (660lbs) of marine debris, among others, irons, pipes, spoons, plastic, aluminum cans, bottles etc. The divers were removing the garbage with one breath and in perfect cooperation with the pupils they were going up to the mall where the recording and weighing took place. In the action took part and the Rescue Team of Kos as well as several tourists who saw the action and participated.

We will continue tomorrow with a seminar at the General Antimachia Lyceum and clean up at the Kardamena beach in Kos.

The mission is in cooperation with the Region of the Aegean, we thank Evridiki Naki for her help.

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