Saita School Shark Awareness | Mykonos, Greece

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This past month, June 2017, I hosted a shark aware seminar for the kindergarten class of Saita School in Mykonos, Greece.

49 young students participated in the seminar. They were all so excited to learn about a species they consider to be dangerous and mysterious.

Seeing firsthand how the children absorbed all the information I shared, reaffirms the importance of educating our youth about the marine life.

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During the seminar, I explained how a lot of people abuse and harm the sharks. I gave the examples of shark teeth. Many of the students could recall seeing people wearing necklaces with shark teeth on them. I told them those particular teeth were most likely retrieved from sharks killed by fishermen. They quickly all agreed to never wear such necklaces and couldn’t believe that people would do such a thing to animals.

I also explained that shark teeth fall out naturally and get buried in the sand and that most of the time, it’s only the divers that collect those teeth. I had some specimen with me and I passed them around so they could see a hands-on example. This was the highlight of the lesson! The children couldn’t believe what they were holding and touching. They had never been so up close and personal with anything to do with sharks.

Special Thanks to Saita’s staff and teachers for allowing me to come in and present the truth about the underwater world! I think we can all agree that the lessons learned have made a big impact on the students.


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