Keep Mykonos Blue

More than 2,000 students in Mykonos will participate in the Keep Mykonos Blue program. Through this initiative, students will have the opportunity to be educated on marine ecosystem protection, enhancing their environmental awareness. They will take part in hands-on coastal cleanups, draw inspiration from All For Blue’s actions in Delos, and create artworks from recyclable materials, which will be awarded in an art competition at the end of the school year.

The program is implemented in collaboration with the Municipality of Mykonos and the Friends of Mykonos organization, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the Cyclades Preservation Fund. It is under the auspices of the World Underwater Federation (CMAS) and has been approved by the Ministry of Education.

Program Activities

  • 11 educational seminars on marine environment conservation and protection.
  • 5 hands-on beach cleanups on the island’s beaches.
  • 6 underwater cleanups with the participation of certified All For Blue divers.
  • 1 environmental awareness art competition, encouraging students’ creativity and ecological consciousness.

Cleanups Action Plan

  • Monday, 31/03, 11:30-12:45 – Beach and underwater cleanup at Korfos Beach
  • Tuesday, 01/04, 11:30-12:45 – Beach and underwater cleanup at Ftelia Beach
  • Thursday, 03/04, 11:30-12:45 – Beach and underwater cleanup at Agios Stefanos Beach
  • Friday, 04/04, 11:30-12:45 – Beach and underwater cleanup at Gialos Beach

Find the detailed action plan here.

As part of the program, the All For Blue team will carry out a beach and underwater cleanup in Delos for the third consecutive year, open to the entire local community of Mykonos, on April 6th.

Through Keep Mykonos Blue, we aim to cultivate a new generation of citizens who respect and protect the sea and the environment.


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