The third introductory course to freediving was a success!

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For the third consecutive year, with the support of Garnier, our volunteers had the opportunity to experience freediving, allowing them to connect not only with the activity but also with themselves. This year’s introductory freediving session, which we organize annually, was once again a great success on Sunday, September 22nd.

The turnout exceeded our expectations, with 35 new and returning volunteers—some highly experienced with the sea, and others with no prior experience—gathering at the Alimos swimming pool. We were especially honored by the participation of members from the Garnier team. Under the guidance of instructors Katerina Topouzoglou and Vasilis Kalogeropoulos, the volunteers were able to bond with themselves and each other, as they explored the principles of freediving.

As V. Kalogeropoulos noted: “Once again, the organization’s volunteers demonstrated their enthusiasm, potential, and willingness to take the next step. They invested in personal growth, which naturally equips them with new skills that can also be applied to the organization’s activities.

As one of the program’s instructors, I feel proud of what we achieved together as a group and individually. We all grew a little stronger and more capable. After all, we know that knowledge is power, and that’s why we invest in it.

K. Topouzoglou also shared her thoughts “It was a truly unique experience to witness the development of this group. The students not only acquired essential skills but also overcame personal fears and discovered hidden potential within themselves. The joy in their eyes was priceless as they not only learned to relax through breathing exercises but also learned to collaborate, trust one another, and form a genuine team”.

The program started with an introduction to the basics of freediving, and we soon transitioned into practical exercises. By working on relaxation and breathing techniques, the volunteers were able to achieve calm and focus. Their feedback speaks for itself!

I felt my mind and body relax as I connected with myself.” Ioanna Ch.

I felt relaxed, calm, and detached from reality, while also more deeply connected with myself.” Elina R.

Next, the group moved on to static apnea exercises in a controlled environment, where many of the volunteers exceeded their own expectations. By the time the team progressed to dynamic apnea, everyone had gained the confidence and concentration required to successfully navigate underwater.

A key aspect of this experience was the strong sense of safety and security the participants felt throughout the activity. Despite their varying levels of experience, many of the volunteers felt comfortable and supported as they explored their personal limits.

Our instructors were not only highly professional, but they were also incredibly engaging. Their passion for freediving was obvious and contagious. They passed on their love for the sport and inspired us to keep going.” Evi M.

The team made me feel welcome from the very beginning. The volunteers helped me through each step of the program, and everyone was so friendly. On top of that, this training motivated me to pursue freediving further!” Rodrigo C.

One of the highlights of the seminar was the personalities of the instructors: Vasilis, for his kindness and empowering approach, and Katerina, for her commanding presence, which serves as a positive role model for all women.” Dora G.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Garnier for once again supporting this freediving introduction. We also thank the instructors and their assistants for their leadership and coordination, and finally, a big thank you to all the participants who trusted us and honored us with their presence!

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