Cleanup at Alikes, Vravrona

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One day before World Oceans Day, All For Blue joined forces with Archirodon to transform the image of Alykes Beach in Vravrona.

Members of Archirodon’s staff, including the company’s CEO, Mr. Karapiperis, along with All For Blue volunteers, participated in a beach cleanup on Friday, June 7. Using All For Blue’s reusable equipment and following a zero-waste protocol, volunteers collected 39 kg of waste.

Although the beach initially appeared relatively free of pollution, it was actually littered with single-use plastics such as water bottles and coffee cups, glass bottles, and over 1,000 cigarette butts. Additionally, volunteers retrieved a large number of lost shoes from the shore. After the waste was collected, it was weighed and separated into recyclable and non-recyclable categories. The municipality of Spata-Artemida then took responsibility for the proper disposal of the waste. Deputy Mayor Mr. Poulakis and Mrs. Petrogiannakis honored us with their presence, coordinating the collection process.

We would like to thank all the participants for their assistance, as well as the municipality of Spata-Artemida for their support and coordination. Finally, we extend our gratitude to all our volunteers who continue to support our work.

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