All For Blue in collaboration with SOL SA completed a beach cleanup at Hamolia beach in Vravrona οn Sunday, 7th May. Partners at SOL joined our webinar on marine conservation, and subsequently participated to a beach cleanup with their families and volunteers from our team to collect 65 kg of marine debris from the shore.
This beach was particularly polluted with plastics, that were trapped in hard-to-reach places near rocks, which made cleaning the coast quite demanding. The whole team, however, cooperated enthusiastically and managed to make a difference by removing a visibly large amount of waste.
Among other things, the team collected balloons, fluorescent tubes possibly discarded after a party, swimwear, running shoes, high heels, fins, a ball and loads of netting fragments.
Also, the team removed a watering hose several meters long, which was stuck in a rocky area. The rubber edge of the hose already showed signs of erosion, another proof that plastic materials eventually break into countless microplastics.
We would like to thank SOL SA and all its members for their participation in the action. We also thank our volunteers, who once again were of invaluable support and assistance.